* Formula Wheel Add-On Ferrari SF1000 Edition: changes made in new Firmware version [V6.27] - Added with EA SPORTS™ F1® 23, in NATIVE mode (PC / PS4 / PS5), four screens corresponding to the game (General / Tire 1 / Tire 2 / Engine) - Added with EA SPORTS™ F1® 23, in UDP-Wifi mode (Xbox), one screen corresponding to the game (General) - Added UPD-Wifi support with F1® 23 – Xbox version: # in the options of this game, in SETTINGS / TELEMETRY SETTINGS / UDP Send Rate: select 120 Hz and in UDP Format: select 2023 # in older versions (F1® 22 – Xbox / F1 2021 - Xbox / F1 2020 – Xbox) in UDP Format: select 2020 - UDP GAMES tab was removed from the wheel’s screen menu (UDP 20777 for F1 games is now automatically selected) - Fixed some freeze issues (detected previously on PC / PS4™ / PS5™) !Important! It is mandatory to install the latest Firmware on your Thrustmaster Base: [V58.06 for TX] - [V34 for T300] - [V8.07 for TS-XW] - [V10 for T-GT] - [V13 for TS-PC] - [V6.01 for T818] **NOTE**: - Your wheel's Firmware version appears in the wheel’s screen menu (by pressing E5p encoder) in « i » tab (RACING WHEEL PARAMETERS) - On Xbox (UDP-Wifi mode), compared to PC – PS4™ - PS5™ (NATIVE Mode), fewer telemetry settings are displayed (with sometimes less accuracy) and data display is subject to latency (depending on your Wi-Fi home settings) NB: Changes made in previous firmware versions: * Firmware version [V5.51] - Improved display of some information in F1 2020 and F1 2021 in NATIVE mode (PC / PS4 / PS5) - Screen protocol open for new NATIVE upcoming games * Firmware version [V5.42] - Initial release